Sea Teaser Sport Fishing offers Striper fishing trips. See the Inshore & Nearshore section for rates.
What’s the best time of year for Striper fishing?
Striper Fishing in Virginia is best in the colder months but starts in September in the Chesapeake Bay. October, November & December are peak times. Bay season closes at the end of December but the ocean season continues. Book Now to secure your spot on Sea Teaser.
How do we bait for them?
Artificial lures (spoons, plastics, bucktails, surface plugs, swimming plugs), eels, cut bait, live bait.
Where do we find them?
Trolling artificial lures, or eels, around bridges, piers, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, jetties or troll in vicinity of schools of fish (where gulls diving and slicks on the water); cast bucktails and plugs around bridges, piers, jetties and CBBT.
Average size for Striper
Striper range from 5 – 25 pounds with a Virginia State record of over 70 Pounds!
Book a Striper Charter on Sea Teaser
Ready to catch some Striper? Click here for details on our Inshore fishing charters on Sea Teaser.