Sea Teaser Sport Fishing offers Black Drum & Red Drum (Redfish, Puppy Drum) fishing trips. See the Nearshore or Inshore sections for rates.
What’s the best time of year for Drum fishing?
Drum Fishing in Virginia starts up in April, peaks in May and June tapers slightly in July- September & cold by October. Book Now to secure your spot on Sea Teaser.
How do we bait for them?
For Black Drum we use whole clam, shrimp, peeler crab, blue crab, peeler crab / clam combo and slow moving bucktail & jigs. For Red Drum we use peeler crab, menhaden, spot, clam, mullet & shrimp as well as plugs, bucktails, spoons & plastics.
Where do we find them?
They can be found around structure & deep channels Nearshore & Inshore. Hanging out in flats / shoals is a fun find as well.
Average size for Coastal Virginia Drum
Black Drum ranges from 40 – 60 pounds but there is a Virginia state record over 110 Pounds!
Ready to catch some Drum? Click Here for details on our Nearshore or Inshore fishing charters on Sea Teaser.