Sea Teaser Sport Fishing offers Dolphin fishing trips. See the Offshore section for rates.
What’s the best time of year for dolphin fishing?
Dolphin or Mahi Fishing in Virginia starts to heat up in May and winds down in October. It’s still decent in October if you want to take advantage of some cool dolphin fishing in the fall.. Book Now to secure your spot on Sea Teaser.
How do we bait for them?
Various baits can be used. Artificial Lures including offshore trolling lures, as well as ballyhoo, squid, and cut bait.
Where do we find them?
Dolphin are found offshore. Typically trolling and on occasion casting to schools into weed lines and floating debris with cut bait and lures.
Average size for Dolphin?
The dolphin family has quite a range. Ranging on average from 2 to 20 lbs with a record catch of 71 lbs 8 oz. off Virginia Beach.
Book a Dolphin Charter on Sea Teaser
Ready to catch some Dolphin Fish? Click Here for details on our Offshore fishing charters on Sea Teaser.